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or have look at the messages below from our tour guests


"She takes you on a journey of Vietnam you will never forget"

"A fascinating and unforgettable way to explore Vietnamese art history"

"A thoroughly engaging and
enriching experience.
Everyone was fascinated and enthralled"

"Deeply respectful of Vietnam's history and culture"
"The whole experience is so much more than a tour – it’s a progressive awakening to the real fabric of this increasingly modern nation"
"The Finest Educational Journey we have ever witnessed: Sophie's Art Tour
in Saigon"
"A lesson in Vietnamese history that provides a much deeper understanding of the works of art than if the works were viewed outside of their historical context"
"We started ignorant and left inspired and informed. We were also deeply impressed by the sensitive manner in which you described Vietnam’s history, people, their struggle and their character and the beauty of life here expressed through artists. For us it was a revelation to be shown the role the artists played in recording and interpreting Vietnam’s tumultuous history during the last 150 years. We cannot recommend your tour more highly"
"I thoroughly recommend it to both arts professionals and visitors to Ho Chi Minh City interested in exploring recent Vietnamese history from an easily accessible arts perspective"
"Sophie, we wanted to write and thank you so much for customizing a tour for our family in Saigon. We were thoroughly enchanted by your art tour. As parents we were especially pleased by how you guided our four daughters through the country’s 20th century history, then made it come alive with the specific paintings you chose"

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